How to Set Up Auto Reply and Out of Office Messages for your Email

You may set up auto-reply and out of office for your email account by following these easy steps:

Click on the “Preferences” link on the navigation bar as shown below. Your menu will show either the Advanced (AJAX) menu or Standard (HTML) menu.

Advanced (AJAK) Autoreply or Out Of Office

1. A navigation menu will appear along the left side of the webmail menu.

2. Click on the link labeled “Out of Office”

3. Select “Send auto-reply message” and type a brief message in the text field to be automatically sent to the sender of any new email you receive.

4. Once completed, click “Save.”

5. Click on the “Mail” link if the Preferences menu appears.

6. Scroll down to the “Receiving Messages” section, place a check next to “Send auto-reply message” and enter a brief message in the text box to be automatically sent to the sender of any new email you receive. Be sure to include schedule the auto reply for your preferred dates.

7. Click “Save.”

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