Can I Get Outage Alerts via Text?
As a valued customer, you can sign up for outage text message alerts. By signing up for these alerts, you will receive a text message when a service outage impacts internet service at your business location, when the outage is resolved, and updates in between if the outage lasts more than two hours.
Please note that text messages will not be sent between 9 PM and 6 AM to not disturb our customers during the late evening and morning hours.
To sign up for text message alerts, follow the below steps.
Step 1: Log in to your online account here: If you have multiple sign-ins on your account, the Primary Account (Head of Household) must be used to access this feature.
Step 2: After signing in, click the down arrow next to your account name in the top right of the page and click 'Profile Settings.'

Step 3: Next, scroll down to the section labeled 'Text Message Notifications' and click the pencil/edit icon next to it to edit your text message notification preferences.

Step 4: Enter the cell phone number to which you want to receive notifications. Check off 'Opt-in' next to 'Outages' and click the 'Save' button to save your preferences. You can sign up for other text alerts on this page, including billing and appointment notifications; each type of notification provides details on what to expect.

You'll receive a success message letting you know your changes were saved.
If you wish to opt out of text message alerts, respond to the text message with the word 'stop.' You can also unsubscribe from your online account by clicking the edit/pencil icon and selecting the 'Opt-out' option next to the type of notice.
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