Facebook Newsfeeds: A Survival Guide
While Facebook remains one of the premier social media platforms, its inner workings have evolved, presenting new challenges to small businesses. You’ve likely heard that it’s grown harder to show up in your fans’ Facebook newsfeeds. Read these tips to increase your organic reach.
1. Interact with Your Followers
Social media is a conversation. You need to communicate with your followers. Ask for their opinions, respond to their questions, and show appreciation for their interest in your business. You can use Facebook Insights to pinpoint trending content and deliver more of it to your fans. The more you interact, the more your followers will like, share and comment on your posts. The more active your content, the more Facebook will reward you for your efforts, giving you higher priority in more newsfeeds.
2. Share, Don’t Sell
A constant stream of “salesy” content may turn off even your most loyal followers. The key is to deliver value. Post useful, attention-grabbing content such as tours, interviews, tutorials, news videos, industry commentary, and other content that establishes you as an expert in your field.
3. Stream Video to Your Fans’ Facebook Newsfeeds
One of the most recent additions to the platform, Facebook Live video lets you stream content live and connect with your viewers. Most live streams jump to the top of newsfeeds, boosting your visibility and attracting new fans. It doesn’t get more timely than right now, and with engaging content such as product showcases, tours, event vlogs, and tutorials, you can establish credibility and build trust with your viewers.
4. Participate in Groups
Facebook Groups bring together people interested in a common subject. Anyone can create or join a group to ask questions, learn, discuss trends, and share relevant content. Groups are not a place to promote your business, but a place to participate. You don’t have to join every group related to your business; just choose a few that truly interest you and to which you can contribute regularly.
5. Connect with Influencers
Your best influencers are often right around the corner. With Facebook pushing relevant local news over national stories, building credibility with local businesses, reporters and organizations can do wonders for your credibility and help connect you with potential customers and business partners. Find opportunities to participate in community events, local groups, etc. and share your involvement with your followers. You can also find high-profile accounts in your industry and offer product samples in exchange for a shout-out or product showcase.
6. Tell Your Fans to Turn On Notifications
When your followers click “Get Notifications,” any content you post will automatically appear in their newsfeed. Without it, even your best posts might get lost in the clutter. Notifications let your fans keep up with your business including news, upcoming products, events, contests, and more. They’ll also have an easier time commenting and sharing your posts with friends.
At the end of the day, Facebook is another tool in your marketing arsenal. Its functions will continue to evolve, so you need stay up to date to stay relevant. Invest in your social media efforts, and you’ll build trust with your customers while expanding your online presence.
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