Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Pinterest Ads
As a social marketing medium, Pinterest is a network that brings with it a wide range of unique benefits that can’t be ignored. According to one study, it currently has roughly 300 million monthly active users – with 85 million of them in the United States. People have created 4 billion Pinterest boards and an amazing 200 billion Pinterest pins since the site originally launched. Not only does the platform skew female as women make up an estimated 81% of its users, but its user base is also incredibly young – millennials in particular use Pinterest equally as much as they use Instagram.
But running ads on any social media platform must involve a thoughtful and strategic approach that is unique to that platform – Pinterest ads aren’t any different. If you really want to make the most out of your next Pinterest campaign, there are a few key things you’ll need to keep in mind.
The Do’s of Pinterest Ads
Since Pinterest is a site that is driven entirely by visuals, one of the most important steps you can take to guarantee success involves adjusting your campaigns on a regular basis. Test out as many different variations of ads that you can think of – photos with text and without, new keywords, target new audiences, etc. Continue to adjust your efforts in an active way until you finally find that “sweet spot” where you start to see the return you were expecting.
Likewise, Pinterest ads will absolutely require a call-to-action – just not necessarily where you might think. On Pinterest, nothing is more important than the visuals – so don’t ruin a good picture with a poorly placed CTA. Instead, leverage the description that runs alongside that image to specify the action you’d like your audience to take in as much detail as you need.
The Don’ts of Pinterest Ads
One of the biggest mistakes that you can make in terms of Pinterest ads involves forgetting how users interact with the platform in the first place. Pinterest users can only see a glimpse of what you’re offering with any particular pin, for example, and they usually click for more information WITHOUT sharing their contact information. Because of this, avoid the instinct to link pins to a lead generation landing page. Instead, link to some type of informational site where they can actually learn more about what you do. Give them the option to convert – don’t try to back them into it – and it’s likely that they’ll take you up on your offer.
Another instinct you’re going to need to avoid involves using redirects in your promoted pins. Pinterest is a social network that promises its users a “seamless user experience” – suddenly getting redirected to another site is contrary to that goal. If you try this, Pinterest will not approve your ad – end of story. Check any and all URLs and make sure that you’re directing users to precisely where you want them to go without a variety of stops in between.
Social media marketing is an incredibly powerful tool in the modern era – but remember that it is possible to use a tool incorrectly if you don’t know what you’re doing. Every network has its own unique audience, all of whom are looking for decidedly different things. Pinterest is no exception. If you truly want your ads to shine, you need to keep the audience in mind – only then will you see the results that you’re after.
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