2 Things Business Should Know About Pinterest
Just when you thought you’d caught your limit in the waters of social media, it surfaces – Pinterest. Giants like Whole Foods are reeling in new customers using it. Now, small businesses are casting their line in the customer pool with this new social media tool.
While it’s small fish compared to Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest’s early growth is creating buzz. Like other social media sites, it’s a way for people to connect based on their interests. But instead of using words, they primarily share images.
1. What is it?
Pinterest says it’s a tool for collecting and organizing things you love. Organized under self-created themes like cooking or a new baby wish list, users “pin” images to their “pinboard.” It might be a photo, a quote, or a recipe. Others can browse your board and “repin” your images to their board. That’s where their followers see it too. Like other sites, the connections grow exponentially.
2. How can I use it?
- Pin It Button: Some business add a “Pin It” button to their website. It allows visitors to pin items they like from your site to their board, where others can repin it on theirs. Analytics are available to help track the pinning activity and help you learn what pinners like. That helps you connect with others who like what you offer.
- Business Boards: Whole Foods has their own board pinned with collections that their customers like. You might find a collection of cheeses or quick dinner recipes. Their followers repin their images to their own boards that can click back to Whole Foods. Need to pick-up a few items? Whole Foods becomes their destination.
Like most social media sites, the key is to be genuine. No one likes a party guest who hands out business cards. But they do like guests that can talk about things they’re interested in. So keep your customers’ interests in mind before you wade into Pinterest as part of your online marketing efforts.
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