Tips for a Healthier Work-Life Balance for the Overworked Small Business Owner
It’s easier when you work for someone else. You put in eight hours and then it’s time for life outside of work. But for small business owners, the lines between work and a personal life can get fuzzy—especially when you’re just starting out. Work days can turn into work nights leaving less time for you. That’s why it’s important to strike a balance. Take a look at these tips to help small business owners like you achieve a healthier work-life balance.
Start Making To-Do Lists
Ever feel like you can’t get anything done? Maybe it’s because you can’t decide what needs to be done. That’s where “To-Do” lists can help. Each day, jot down the five things you want to get done that day. List the most important first. Consider writing tomorrow’s list the night before while the activity of the day is still fresh. It will help you start the day with a clear direction. And you can see progress as you cross off each item when it’s finished. Being more productive during business hours means you’ll have more time to spend after hours.
Subcontract Out the Work
If you want something done right, you don’t always have to do it yourself. Consider hiring someone for routine tasks like distributing flyers. Their hourly rate is likely less than yours. That frees you up to spend time on more important tasks, like planning out your next email campaign. And this idea doesn’t apply to just work. Consider hiring a housecleaner to come in once a week. Then the time you spend at home can be used to recharge rather than vacuum.
Don’t Skip Vacation
People who skip vacations have a higher risk of death from heart disease or other serious health problems. But a two-week vacation in the Bahamas might be difficult for owners. After all, you have a business to run. So why not consider mini-vacations? Take two hours to go to a movie, escape to see your daughter’s dance recital and celebrate with ice cream afterwards, or peruse the travel section of your local bookstore. A change of scenery may help you develop the perspective you need to come up with your next greatest business idea.
Go Off the Grid
Technology is a great thing. Smartphones and tablets give us 24-7 access to people and information. But that means other people have 24-7 access to you, too. Designate tech-free times when you power down your devices. Let it go to voicemail, don’t check emails, turn off the sound for text messages. It might be during the evening meal with the family, after 9:00 in the evening, or the hour just after lunch. Having a tech break can mean you’ll be more productive when you’re back on the grid.
You don’t have to choose between a successful business and a fulfilling personal life. Successful small business owners realize that one feeds the other. That’s why it’s important to work toward a healthier work-life balance. Start by considering these tips.
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